fone convos.

Posted by captainlemonberry | Posted in , , , | Posted on 7:55 PM

w/Killian (boyfriend) that were never deleted because my fone doesn't notify me
when it gets really full.
I picked the cute/weird parts of convos.

Emily: I love you, my little steamed dumpling. :3
Killian: I love you too baby! That was random and cute :)

Emily: You're crazy...for me!!! :D
Killian: Maybe a little...
Emily: LOL! Only a little? Ouchhhh!
Killian: Ouch! I said maybe! Maybe a lot...
Emily: Maybe a lot? Yay! Better than maybe a little!
Killian: Maybe lol
Emily: I love you too, haha.
Killian: ? I love you..?
Emily: Lol, of course you do, silly!
Killian: What else would I do?

Emily: Signatures are lame, lol.
Killian: ... That was random.
Emily: There we go! signature!

Killian: Thought you didn't want one?
Emily: I think they're annoying so I made one xD

//pseudo serenity

Killian: You should kill your signature lol
Emily: I just did lol
Killian: Nice! Great minds think alike

Killian: I don't think I ever told you, but you're a great writer
Emily: what!?
Killian: Yeah, your letter and all that you wrote
in your book, you write really well
Emily: what!?!?!?
Killian: What what?
Emily: You mean it?
Killian: Why wouldn't I?
Emily: I...I'm shocked.
Killian: Why?
Emily: Just...I don't know.
Killian: What Emily? It's true, I was just letting you know..
Emily: It's not bad at all...I'm just happy.
Killian: You have an odd way of showing it lol

Killian: I really like the bracelet.
Emily: Really!? I thought you'd hate it...
I'm glad you like it =)
Killian: Honestly...when you said what it was, I thought I
wouldn't like it, and I thought I wouldn't wear it other
than with you...but! I do like it, and I've got it on
sittin here with andy lol

Killian: We're crazy lol
Emily: lol, why do you say that?
Killian: We go through all these odd mood swings and stuff lol
Emily: Yeah, I've noticed, but we always drift back, which is nice
Killian: Well, it's never a big drift, and I couldn't let you go anyways :)
Emily: Haha, really now? You wouldn't have to; I don't
plan on going anywhere =) Damn. We really are weird...
Killian: Well that's good, cuz I don't think I would like
it very much if you weren't around. Yeah we are! I like it :)
Emily: Lol! I like it myself as well! I've never really done
that with anyone. And I wouldn't like it very 

much if you weren't around.
Killian: I haven't either lol. It's pretty awesome if I
say so myself. Good, because I don't plan on going anywhere myself :)
Emily: I guess we're gonna have to put up w/each other for a long time. :3
Killian: It's not much of putting up with as much as it is enjoin it :p

Emily: Do you honestly think I look slutty with a monroe? Be honest.
Killian: No, I don't. Like I said, it usually does, but it
doesn't. I don't really like it, but it's your stuff, and I can deal lol

Killian: ...
Emily: ...
Killian: Okay..
Emily: Well this is weird.
Killian: How?
Emily: I dunno o__o
Killian: Oh.. Sorry
Emily: For what?
Killian: All of this
Emily: All of what...?

Emily: Has anyone told you you're spectacular?
Killian: Maybe some crazy little Asian girl.. Whom 

I just happen to love!
Emily: Hah! I wonder if I know her.
Killian: I dunno.. You two are like.. Complete opposites

Killian: I figured if you like em, they're good lol
Emily: Lol I'll take that as a compliment
Killian: Well, you usually have a good taste with music

Emily: Grr, I still want venoms...
Killian: I don't think I could stand you getting one XD
Emily: You and your urges! lol

Emily: I love you too...please don't leave me.
Killian: Why would I leave you baby?
Emily: I...don't know.
Killian: you seriously think I would leave you? 
You should know...I wouldn't, I love you too much.. 
You should know that Emily..

Emily: It kind of just...hit me, and we don't need all these petty 

tension-filled conversations, so I'm uppin' my game, haha. 
So, it was an awakening.
Killian: Well that's good.. I'm sorry that I don't help those 

situations. So I'll step up too :)
Emily: Haha! Yay! We're actually making an effort! 
-dances w/a party cone on my head-
Killian: Nice cone lol.
Emily: Thanks, I made it myself ;)

Emily: Don't ellipses me w/your ...s! Lol xD
Killian: Why not?
Emily: Cause!
Killian: Cause why?
Emily: Cause!
Killian: But.. But.. Why?
Emily: Cause! xD, lol goooodness, I love you!
Killian: I love you too! What a coincidence!

Emily: I wanna see splice ;p
Killian: I heard it was really really bad
Emily: Lol me too, that it wasn't as interesting as it seemed
Killian: Yeah, so why do you still wanna see it?
Emily: To see how bad it is xD

Emily: Makes sense-ical. :) besides, we have each other.
Killian: Which is more than enough
Emily: Ohhh yeahh ;) but really, you're all I need.
Killian: And you're more than I need.

Killian: I love you too much
Emily: Too much?
Killian: Yep. Cuz it can't suck this much to have a 
person you love just enough that faraway.

Emily: I'm glad you do, makes my world spin.
Killian: Really? How does that work?
Emily: It...moves in a weird clockwise motion situation. xD
Killian: I'm glad for your loss
Emily: I'm glad you've lost the game
Killian: But I haven't
Emily: But I seen a rainbow yestuhday!
Killian: So? I still no has a sammich
Emily: A cold glass of sarcasm comin' right up. 
Would you like a hot, steamy bowl of Carlos while you're at it?
Killian: Just for me? How sweet! I'd rather not...
Emily: I think you killed Kenny, which can only mean we're 
not in Kansas anymore. Dammit! It's so fucking sunny in Philadelphia! -melts-
Killian: That's not tasti either
Emily: I'm just randomly quoting things. BUT there's no 
gold at the end of the rainbow. Goooodbye horses.
Killian: Hahaha you're too much babe
Emily: Lol, I know, too much, too little, too late. If I rearrange my room,
we can take these cookies out of the oven two minutes early.

Emily: Shaken not stirred, Watson. xD
Killian: What?

Killian: I feel...I feel like I've been given something I don't deserve. 
That for once, I have someone I can depend on, and someone that I know 
will always love me too, no matter what. And I don't think I could live without you.
Emily: Really? Why do you think so?
Killian: Because nothing else could ever make me this happy

Emily: I...I'm crazy...I am fucking out of my goddamn 
mind crazy

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