Just Stuff
Posted by captainlemonberry | Posted in dark, fighting, light, love, romance, sisters, strong | Posted on 9:03 PM
You slept with golden curls
Surrounded by the light
My darkened hair unfurled
And welcomed in the night
Porcelain skin played innocent
Humility had been your tool
Though the parents were quite impudent,
It was you who played the fool
Though rumors mainly spoke of
Fragile hands and a soul compelled
You were wicked and full of hate
Darker than the night itself
Constantly a game of war
Hands and fingers pulling
At each others hair and clothes
Eyes burning deep holes into one another
And legs kicking about
Tangled up together
In an awkward display of affection
and a loss for words
In the weird language
Our lips speak in
Like a secret the heart keeps from the mind
And you bite my lip
On impulse, rather
You sir are sleeping with the enemy
Who will not go down
Without a fight
Take my tanks if you must
Take my army if you will
Take my luck and good fortune if you can
But do not take my heart
For that is the one thing
You cannot have just yet
He had cuts on his hands
Burns on his arms
Needn't to hide them
Battle scars from better days
They didn't hurt,
These constant reminders,
They kept him strong
They kept him sane
Although bruised and beaten
He trudged on through the remains
Of old friends and old memories
Of what was and what will be
I was not as strong
A broken hand, an aching heart
Laying lifelessly beneath a willow
Drowning in my own tears
Then he saved me
Picked me up and carried me
I tossed and turned
Kicked and screamed
When I realized escaping
Was not in question
The silence in the air
Hung heavy between us
With his lips against mine
And our hands interlocked
I could feel him
*Pulsing through my veins
*I seem to like that phrase a lot...oh well...
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