
Posted by captainlemonberry | Posted in , , , , , | Posted on 5:15 PM

G r e e n g r a s s , f r e s h l y m o w e d . . .

The sky’s not alone today; the birds are out chirping
I sit on my wooden bench, alone, away from the others
They don’t talk to me, or each other
The voices tell them to, so they keep their distance
I don’t mind; I’ve grown accustomed to the silence
The flowers stick out of the ground like constant reminders of the outside world
I cringe a little, but I know they’re there for good intentions
Looking around, I smile as the sun’s hands warm my face and soul
Then a sudden jolt shoots through my body,
And the familiar burn makes me twitch
Since your absence, you’ve grown stronger
You pulse through my veins,
And I stand up to get help,
But your supernatural force flings me against a nearby fence
My body thrashes about madly as I hook my fingers in the little, metal diamonds,
Holding on for dear life
Peripheral vision; the others stand there like an audience, and I’m the show
They’ve been told not to dirty their hands with me
By the voices I can’t ever seem to hear
Nurses arrive belatedly, and one is armed with a thin needle
Pinched between her gloved fingers
You throw me against them,
And the nurse, armed and deadly, stabs my arm violently,
And the sedative overpowers your temporary control
You’ve had your fun for the day
My drugged state of mind doesn’t allow me to move my arms,
Control my body
And two gloved hands grab my wrists and drag me across the ground to the building
As the freaks around me stare in awe
This little incident…
I hear them say outside my room
…she can’t go outside anymore.
Disappointed, but unable to show emotion, I lay in my bed
And stare at my white walls

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